Hello, luvvies!!!!!!!   I don't know about you, but I'm certainly ready for summer time and HEAT!!    My body is craving heat.   I'm finding that the increase in exercise is helping....gets the circulation going and I feel SO good after!   It feels great to feel like I actually WORKED for the yummy goodies I whipped up in the kitchen.   The weather's been a little nutzo lately...I had to chip my way into my car this morning, then we saw a mixture of snow/rain/sun/snow for the duration of the day.  I decided I really needed to get out on the trails today; just as I was about to grab my toque and head out, it started to snow again!   I couldn't find my brown "Island beanie" toque I like to run in, so I wore my special white one with the black sparkly butterfly.    Lo and behold, the sun came out and STAYED out for the duration of my 10k!    YIPPEEEE!!!    I've decided that it is a magic hat......xoxoxo

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