Good morning, luvvies!!   xoxoxo       I'm on the move a house-sitter, I do that a lot!     Today I am doing the final "move-out" from my friend Laura's place and off to a new adventure!!     I've realized this time that I really need to "simplify"......I had SO MUCH STUFF with me at Laura's!    Understandable, as I had a couple of trade shows I took part in while staying at her place.    I was selling cleaning products AND some live food goodies in the form of "buckwheat toast" and various scrumptious flavours of granola......I love creating in the kitchen!!   Both food AND goodies to clean with....xoxoxo
I've decided it's time to really shift gears and simplify for awhile though....I'm neglecting one of my most important goals, and that's to get MYSELF in the best shape EVER!   For those who don't know, I'm studying to be a personal trainer.    I decided my life was really missing a key element, and that is a regular fitness regime.   Also, one of my goals is to help people achieve optimum health and becoming a trainer would tie it all together quite nicely!   I am active every day and cleaning is a workout in itself, but I really want to take it to the next level.     I have been "raw" for five years now, and I'm curious to see what I can achieve physically.   In my 20's I was super fit....lots of weights and working out, but my diet was AWFUL!!   I was vegetarian, but a "junk food" vegetarian!    Breakfast for me would be Jolt cola (remember Jolt cola??  It's a wuss compared to some of the "energy drinks" being marketed now!  Poison...), a big slap of "cheese toast" with butter or a butter-like product and......a cigarette!!!   Yes luvvies, I used to smoke.   Not for a long time, but probably about 6 years.   ICK!   I figure if I can be as fit as I was with such an awful diet I should see AMAZING results combining optimum diet and exercise!   Excited to see where it takes me.   My goal in my fifth year of being "raw" is to have it be my fittest, healthiest yet...WOOOOT!     
Peggy Birse (aka Lough)
9/8/2012 08:44:45 am

Hi, Liz - saw your name on the Revitalize Conference in Red Deer next week. Excited to read your adventures on VI. Please give me a call. Peggy


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