Hello, luvvies!!!    I found myself in the kitchen late this evening checking out my new kitchen toy I hadn't used yet and, against my better judgement, answered the call to create!!!!    Realizing I had everything I needed for hemp cacao crunch bliss balls, I got to work.   (Play, actually....kitchen stuff doesn't really feel much like work to me!!)

Here she is......my new manual food processor Manuela!!   Best not to ask....
She has a 3 cup capacity and a pump action handle, along with 3 sharp steel blades.


Ingredients:   1 cup coconut, 1 cup hemp, 2 tablespoons cacao powder, pinch salt, 1/2 tsp. vanilla powder.    Put the lid on and start pumping the handle to process the ingredients together.


After what felt like about 300 pumps on the handle, I added 3 tablespoons of agave syrup.    Pump the handle about 300 more times to get the mixture to stick together.   Add about 1/4 cup cacao nibs and....you guessed it....pump the handle.   A trained chimp would have been nice right about now.   :)


The finished product!!!   Not processed as nicely as with an electrical model and LOTS of work, but my triceps got a GREAT workout and I ended up with some yummy goodies to share......YAY!    Gotta love kitchen adventures!!!      The next recipe I want to try with "Manuela" is a nice simple salsa.......YUM!
Thanks for checking in and playing along.....sweet dreams!   Unless you ate a bunch of chocolate before bed like I did, in which case "good luck getting to sleep" might be more appropriate!!!   Night, luvvies.....
Love and good health

Happy Friday!   :)     I went to the dentist yesterday for the first time in YEARS to get some work done....long overdue!!   My biggest concern was the fact that since going raw almost 5 years ago, I haven't ingested so much as an aspirin....no chemicals whatsoever.  I was worried about how the injection of chemicals used for freezing was going to react with my body.   Thankfully, my friend Gemma offered to sit in the office while I was getting the work done in case I had a reaction and needed a ride home.   I'm happy to say I didn't have a huge reaction during my time in the office and made it home safe and sound!!   YAY!   A couple hours after my appointment when the freezing was wearing off I did have a reaction though....severe cold-like symptoms and instant fatigue.    I felt a lot better when I woke up this morning...none of the cold-like symptoms.   Throughout the day however, I was  feeling woozy and had massive brain fog.    A friend of mine told me that the chemicals used in the dentist office are loaded with metals, so I decided to make myself a lovely cilantro smoothie for supper to help support the de-tox of metals out of my body.   Cilantro is a great herb for detoxification of heavy metals, and this smoothie is surprisingly YUMMY! 
In this one I put:
1/2 cucumber
1 bunch of cilantro
2 oranges
1/2 cup pineapple
pinch cinnamon
pinch vanilla powder.
*Blend until smooth....so yummy and good for you!    Enjoy...


I was talking to my friend Billy yesterday who owns the deliciously wonderful Rawthentic Eatery restaurant in Qualicum Beach.   If you've never been there, you must check it out....the food is DELISH!!!   All yummy live food, made with love by the wonderful staff.
Bill is trying to get an exercise club going at One on One Fitness in Coombs, and I'm excited about it!   Confession time for me......I have trouble sticking to a regular exercise plan these days, especially with my schedule changing all the time and moving around.   I know...poor excuse.     That's why I think the exercise club is a great idea!  The way the club looks so far is that a personal trainer will be working with us two nights a week (Probably Monday and Wednesday between 7:30 and 8:30 ish) for one month, and the cost will be $120.   It may seem like a lot, but I think it's a great deal to have a personal trainer working with us for eight sessions in total!   I think this may just be the "kick in the booty" I need to get back on track. I will have more success if I know there are other people working out with me (not to mention the money spent!)   If you live in the area and are interested, contact Bill at Rawthentic Eatery or get ahold of me through Facebook or by leaving a comment.   :)     
Physical fitness is so important to health....we were designed to MOVE!   I know I feel a lot better when I'm exercising more....who wants to join in???
Today's blog is inspired by my little buddy Tucker.   I don't have a picture of him yet, but I clean at his house once a month for his mom and dad.   The joy and enthusiasm which with he greets me is sooooooooo sweet.....we receive such unconditional love from our furry friends.    I've actually been inspired to start a new page dedicated to all the fuzzy friends and relatives in my life or those who have been in my life.      So much can be learned from our animal counterparts.....xoxoxoxo
I hope you have fun looking at my new page.....it was created with love!
Ozma contemplating life from the inside of the dishwasher......

I'm so excited...my first post on my new website!  I like it a lot better than the old one....I hope you do too!   My blogs will include my house-sitting adventures, kitchen capers, field trips and any other thing I might find exciting in the day.....which is a LOT some days!   Every day should be a field trip, really....xoxo
This is Ozma.    She is the kitty cat I'm staying with for awhile...she is cute and very helpful, as you'll soon see.   Her domain is the land of Oz, and we have many great adventures together.   She was so kind as to help me get my website set up tonight....

Are we done yet??