Hello, all!   xoxoxo    I've done day 4 of my de-tox and feelin' great!!    I started the day off with a watermelon orange smoothie, a combo I got from my friend Chris Kendall.   It's super yummy, and tastes DIVINE!!   I had a watermelon given to me yesterday and have some LOVELY Buck Brand organic oranges on hand, so it only made sense!
I didn't eat a lot today; I'm finding my appetite to be smaller, which is GOOOOD!   As mentioned, I was definitely over-eating which one reason I started the "de-tox".    My main goal this time is to get myself back on track with eating more fresh fruit and veggies and less fats and de-hydrated yummies.   In just a few days, I am feeling lighter and have shed about 4 pounds!     Feelin' fine.....I also ate a few dates today, drank 1 litre of coconut water with wheatgrass and had a Sour Cherry Mango Tango smoothie.    Nice and light......that's when I feel my BEST!
Tomorrow I plan on posting a recipe for a fabulous fat free salsa....I love salsas!   xoxoxoxoxo
Sweet dreams, luvvies.

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