Good morning, luvvies!!!!!   It's been forever and a day since I last posted......I've missed you!  xoxo   This weekend I have had the honor and pleasure of attending the wonderful Avena Originals REVITALIZE health conference in Red home town!  xo    It was a super dynamic weekend event with fabulous guest speakers......I was able to listen to and meet some truly inspirational and amazing people.  Everyone I spoke to came away from the conference feeling inspired, uplifted, empowered and revitalized!!!  I met so many new people, and it's so uplifting to be around that many people who are in the process of taking charge of their own health.   Taking charge of your own health is EMPOWERING!!!   It was a life changing weekend for many people, and I know that I personally feel inspired to continue to make changes for the better.   xoxo
Thanks SO MUCH to all who came to hear me speak during my session....I am so grateful for the questions and feedback I received, not to mention the new friends I made!  xoxo   A million thanks to Avena Originals for putting together such an event and having me be a part of it....I know lives were changed and people were inspired. 
During my session I was asked for a basic chocolate recipe.   Check out the "recipe" section of my website for a simple, basic recipe that is fun and super FAST!!   You can have a gorgeous hunk of chocolate whipped up in less time than it takes to go out and buy kiddin!   <3

Hellloooooo, LUVVIES!!!!    I've missed you.....have you missed me??    Lots going on this lovely month of I stated in the last blog post, lots of transitions for me right now.   And a couple of exciting, "out of my comfort zone" things this friend Kimberley Plumley got me a spot on "The Show" on Shaw cable doing a little stint on cleaning!   It was so much fun...of course I was a little nervous, but it was so cool to see a show being produced from "behind the scenes".     And I did something WAY out of my comfort zone, which I need more of.   I'll post the link so you can watch it when it's ready...xoxoxo
I'm feeling SO much lighter (mentally AND physically) since I decided to simplify my life a little.....I'm feeling so much more relaxed, and with that comes a greater focus!   YAY!!!
Today was an AWESOME, SUNNY, HOT day.....wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!   The very favourite kind of day for a nomadic beegan princess....xoxo
I was going through my storage last night, and found some cacao butter I hadn't used yet, so I decided to play with it today.    The recipe I came up with was "Sunny Day Chocolate"....after all, people make "Sun Tea", right????   Why not "sun chocolate"????
WHEEEE!!    Here are the delish results....
The rabbit keeping a watchful eye.....he looks a little shifty to me.

Cacao butter and coconut oil....just starting to melt.

Not quite....set it in a sunnier spot.

Lovely and melty!!   xoxoxo

Poured into a glass measuring cup for easier stirring.

Dry goodies....cacao, acaii berry powder, vanilla powder.

Mixing it together.

Poured into a adding tasties!!  MMMM...goji berries!!

The finished product.....sprinkled with coconut ribbons, goji berries and cacao nibs.     YAY for magical, chocolatey PRINCESS NOMAD SUNNY DAY CHOCOLATE!!!!   XOXOXO       Good day to you, luvvies....hope you managed to get some sun and have some FUN!   
Good morning, luvvies!!   xoxoxo       I'm on the move a house-sitter, I do that a lot!     Today I am doing the final "move-out" from my friend Laura's place and off to a new adventure!!     I've realized this time that I really need to "simplify"......I had SO MUCH STUFF with me at Laura's!    Understandable, as I had a couple of trade shows I took part in while staying at her place.    I was selling cleaning products AND some live food goodies in the form of "buckwheat toast" and various scrumptious flavours of granola......I love creating in the kitchen!!   Both food AND goodies to clean with....xoxoxo
I've decided it's time to really shift gears and simplify for awhile though....I'm neglecting one of my most important goals, and that's to get MYSELF in the best shape EVER!   For those who don't know, I'm studying to be a personal trainer.    I decided my life was really missing a key element, and that is a regular fitness regime.   Also, one of my goals is to help people achieve optimum health and becoming a trainer would tie it all together quite nicely!   I am active every day and cleaning is a workout in itself, but I really want to take it to the next level.     I have been "raw" for five years now, and I'm curious to see what I can achieve physically.   In my 20's I was super fit....lots of weights and working out, but my diet was AWFUL!!   I was vegetarian, but a "junk food" vegetarian!    Breakfast for me would be Jolt cola (remember Jolt cola??  It's a wuss compared to some of the "energy drinks" being marketed now!  Poison...), a big slap of "cheese toast" with butter or a butter-like product and......a cigarette!!!   Yes luvvies, I used to smoke.   Not for a long time, but probably about 6 years.   ICK!   I figure if I can be as fit as I was with such an awful diet I should see AMAZING results combining optimum diet and exercise!   Excited to see where it takes me.   My goal in my fifth year of being "raw" is to have it be my fittest, healthiest yet...WOOOOT!     
Hello, darlings!!   Happy Earth Day to you.    Of course, every day is Earth Day.   xoxoxo     Did you do anything special today?    I didn't do anything other than what I normally do on Sundays......I work on Sundays cleaning at a real estate office in Qualicum Beach, and at One on One fitness in Coombs.   After I clean the gym, I work out.....the cleaning is my warm-up!   LOL       I thought a lot today about the impact of the cleaning products we use on the Earth.....I do that anyway, but today I realized that using toxic cleaning products to clean with is right up there with subjecting others to second hand smoke.     If you are spraying toxic chemicals around to clean with, your loved ones are breathing in the yukkiness and being subjected to horrid things such as carcinogenic agents and hormone disruptors.    Not good, luvvies.    There are better ways to clean and show your home AND the planet you love them.....there are a myriad of options available now, and it's super easy to make your own cleaning products.   I've decided I'm going to work on doing green cleaning workshops's something that's always in the back of my mind, but today I realized how important it really is.    As long as consumers continue to purchase TOXIC WASTE to clean with, manufacturers will keep producing.  The toxic burden on the planet is immense, not to mention what it is doing to your health.   I'm off to mix up some delish cleaning products as we speak....sweet, geranium-scented dreams!    xoxoxo
Hello, love bugs!   All Sprung Out is over now, but the good vibes will last a long time!    I'm so grateful for all the friends who came by to visit, and for the new people I met.    Such good, positive energy at events such as these....always a "festive" feel to me.
Here's a picture of my sweet wee table all set up......cozy and cute!    Nice combo of goodies to eat AND clean with!    All in all, a good day.   I'm going to bed with a big smile on my face and warm luvvy vibes.  Everyone was so nice, and I collected lots of hugs!    xoxoxoxo
Hello luvvies!!    Late night for me again, but I'm having fun creating goodies for the All Sprung Out event in Nanoose Place tomorrow!     Here are pics from tonight's endeavours......I was mostly packaging tonight and getting things organized.
On the left is an assortment of yummy live food items; buckwheat "toast" and an assortment of granolas. ( Cashew cacao, buckwheat/coconut and keylime/coconut/macadamia).    On the right is packages of my lovely tub 'n' tile "icing"......a smooth, creamy concoction that cleans tubs, tiles, sinks and counter-tops beautifully and without scratching!  :)
Off to bed I go.....tomorrow's going to be FUN!!!!
Sweet, cinnamon-scented dreams to you...
Hi all!     It's going to be a bit of a late night for me.....I went into Nanaimo and picked up a few things to perk up my table a bit and have a few more things to get, but I'm so looking forward to Saturday!!!    Tonight I will be packaging up granola and buckwheat "toast" and playing with table is quite little, so I won't have a lot of room for signs.   Here are a couple more pics of the goodies you can expect to see at my table!!   xoxo


On the left is a nice pile of the buckwheat "toast".....I love it SO MUCH!   It's so satisfying and yummy....I don't think I'll ever get tired of it.     The picture on the right has bottles of lovely, yummy smelling furniture's safe for treated leather too!    I've used it to spot clean leather sofas and clothing, and it works like a charm.   Completely safe and non-toxic to use, unlike commercial furniture polish, which is one of the most toxic "cleaners" you can have in your home!!!    
Sweet dreams to work I go!
Hello, darlin's!    It's been sooooo long since I posted.....lots of fun and exciting things going on!!   I'm a busy little Granola Goddess this week getting things ready for the "All Sprung Out" Local Shopping Event in Nanoose Bay at Nanoose Place on must check it out!  Lots of great vendors, and yours truly will be there peddling buckwheat "toast" and some yummy granolas as well as some of my very own hand-crafted cleaning products! products.   I'm working on building a whole new website geared toward green cleaning...full of fun tips and easy things you can do to make life a whole lot cleaner, easier and SAFER for you and your loved ones!   I'm excited about it......I hope you'll check it out when it's ready!     
Here are some pics of some of the goodies I'm taking with me this Saturday...


The picture on the left is a batch of yummy coconut/walnut crunchy and SWEET!   On the right is two jars of peppermint "Tub 'n' Tile Icing".....a yummy treat for your tub or sink!   It works like a charm, and replaces icky chemical abrasive scrubs you might normally use.     I will post more pics as the week goes on......Good night for now, sweet ones!   xoxoxo
Hello, luvvies!!!!!!!   I don't know about you, but I'm certainly ready for summer time and HEAT!!    My body is craving heat.   I'm finding that the increase in exercise is helping....gets the circulation going and I feel SO good after!   It feels great to feel like I actually WORKED for the yummy goodies I whipped up in the kitchen.   The weather's been a little nutzo lately...I had to chip my way into my car this morning, then we saw a mixture of snow/rain/sun/snow for the duration of the day.  I decided I really needed to get out on the trails today; just as I was about to grab my toque and head out, it started to snow again!   I couldn't find my brown "Island beanie" toque I like to run in, so I wore my special white one with the black sparkly butterfly.    Lo and behold, the sun came out and STAYED out for the duration of my 10k!    YIPPEEEE!!!    I've decided that it is a magic hat......xoxoxo
Okay, confession time......I am missing a key element in my healthy life-style, and that is regular FITNESS!   I've found it really difficult what with all the moving around and all to stay on track with my workouts.   Sooooooo......I decided today's the day to get serious and figure out a work-out routine for myself.    I'm studying to be a personal trainer, and I really want to "walk the talk!"    Plus, I just FEEL better when I work out!    After all, the human body is designed to MOVE!      If you really want overall health and wellness, you have to include movement in there somewhere.....
I started off the morning with a 10k walk/run....I'm living back near my favourite trail, and it was such a joy to get outside and close to nature again!    The weather hasn't been the greatest and it was sooooooooooo tempting to stay all snuggled up in my warm cozy bed, but I was so thankful that I got out this morning.   I did a LOT more walking than running, but I know how important it is not to over-do it and risk injury.   My legs have to get used to running again.....I know it won't take long though!    I find that my body heals and adjusts REALLY quickly.....I attribute  that to my healthy diet, of course!   :D
I went into the gym this evening and did a nice easy pace on the stair-climber and then did an upper body workout for about an huge weight, just getting my brain used to that kind of workout again.    It felt so good....I was like a kid at the playground!   Now that everyone out there in "blog reading world" knows I'm working on a fitness routine, there are NO excuses!    I will keep you posted as to the kinds of workouts I'm doing along with the "foodie" things......
Thanks for reading, luvvies!!!!!      Maybe we can all inspire one another.....